[Rhonda, something about your pages keeps locking them up and preventing me from adding more, so here goes Page 4!]

Rhonda’s quilt top – all finished!

 Rhonda finished

RA 8-19-07: A quick question regarding the quilting of my quilt…you may recall from when I sent off the photos of my work in the very beginning, I mentioned that I am not a machine/hand quilter… and so this brings me to my question. How would you like me to handle the quilting on my quilt? I don’t think I trust myself to tackle that right now…

I’ve toyed with some ideas for the quilting in the background and borders, but I’ve also toyed with using an allover small spiral pantograph that I used in one of my other “busy” quilts…I’m open to suggestions, and this may be too much of a shortcut. Obviously a custom quilt job will be more time consuming and costly than an all-over. Do you anticipate the quilting will stand out in the photos or will your focus be on the use of color and the spirally effect in each of the designs…perhaps that is an unfair separation of elements…so often quilting makes the quilt.

RM:  Personally, I think that an allover pantograph would not add anything to the quilt, and may in fact get in the way.  You’re well on your way to an award-winning quilt, so I think your quilting should be award-winning quality in its own right.  In the book the quilting may not show in an allover shot, but there are likely to be detail shots.  More importantly, at some point I’m sure the quilt will be shown and/or judged, and the quilting would be seen and appreciated under those circumstances. 

RA 9-17-07:  So for my quilt…. Dazzling Dresden, Transatlantic Wonder, Something with the word Chakra …( a center of activity that receives, assimilates, and expresses life force energy. The word chakra literally translates as wheel or disk and refers to a spinning sphere), An Insomniacs Dream… Does anything come to the creative front of your mind? I just got word from my quilter this morning that she has finished quilting the quilt and it should be here mid week…very curious, very excited and a little nervous…but I’ll need to get that label on and I need a name. Gotta run…

10 Responses to “Rhonda Adams 4”

  1. yogib2 Says:

    Thanks for all your feedback RaNae. I agree, a pantograph would have been an easy out… As for 4 pages, it just looks like I’ve been really busy 🙂 None of this would have been possible without you and your continued nudges and encouraging words…what an opportunity! Who would have thought?

  2. juliewillis Says:

    Rhonda, your quilt is FABULOUS! I have to agree with RaNae that this outstanding design deserves custom quilting. 🙂
    Julie Willis

  3. RaNae Says:

    Rhonda, have you given this a name? It feels like looking in the nursery window at “Baby Adams”…..

    Does it remind anyone else of a passionflower, or is it just me?

  4. yogib2 Says:

    I’m open to suggestions…actually I was going to toss it out to this talented group this evening and solicit ideas. So do tell….

    I’m off to Zurich tomorrow and will see Susanne and Sandra on Tues. so I’ll work on the requested info while I’m on my layover this weekend and send it your way.

    Thanks for the chuckle…

  5. Micki Says:

    Rhonda, your quilt is absolutely stunning. And it does resemble a passion flower. Perhaps you can consider “Grand Passion” as a title.

    It’s gorgeous!

  6. Micki Says:

    You are right, Rhonda, it is my other favorite carrier! I dropped Diane an email in case you decide to get in touch with her. I know she isn’t taking projects from new customers until November, so I paved the way to let her know you are a fellow Spiromaniac, but she knows you are looking at several options for quilting and that you might not be in contact.

    Stay safe and have some great trips and a lot of fun!

  7. devi7 Says:

    I know the custom quilting is expensive but the thoguht, work and more that has gone into these quilts seems like this should be the one time you and I splurge….macaroni and cheese worked in college 🙂 I am absultely drawn to your design and think it is stunning!

  8. quilterk Says:

    Hi Rhonda,
    I bet you thought I forgot about you, didn’t ya. Not really, I’m just trying to think of the right words to describe your Majestic Dresden Spiral. It is beyond spectacular. Yes, all, I got a sneak peak at Rhonda’s quilt today, too. Just when you didn’t think it couldn’t get any better, it does (did?). Well, anyway, I hope we can all get a first hand look at all of the quilts at some point in the future. RaNae, I hope you sprinkle some fairy dust on that camera lens of yours and make these quilts shine like they do in person!
    Kathy E.

  9. yogib2 Says:

    Majestic Mandalai—A Personal Journey
    Designed, Pieced, Hand Appliquéd by Rhonda Adams, Alexandria, VA
    Machine Quilted by Diane Anderson, Tomball, TX
    47 ½” x 47 ½”

  10. quiltfee Says:

    This surely deserves a first prize!


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